Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Is that even English?

Here is a cute story about the father of the assistant conductor of the BSO saving his son's ass. But what the hell does this mean???

The latter quality was immediately apparent on Tuesday; not a note had been
taken for granted, with even the most prosaic passages refracted through a
powerful intellectual prism.

What? Is this about a concert or a science fair experiment?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

After trying to read several of them, I've concluded that, despite nearly 45 years of musical experience, I'm much too stupid to understand Mr. Guerrieri's pompous and condescending reviews.
The late, great Peter Knapp of The Patriot Ledger I could understand, despite his amazing knowledge and erudition. Same goes for former Globie Richard Dyer.
If this is what passes for classical music reviewing today, no wonder the concert halls are nearly empty of young people and modern "serious" musicians are playing with --- and to --- themselves.