Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Class warfare rant, Part 1

I'm pretty livid over the whole housing market collapse. Not because I personally have lost anything -- in fact, it's happening at the perfect time for me. (By the time the market finally bottoms out, I should be able to actually afford a home on the South Shore.) I'm livid because the collapse is largely predicated on asinine investment strategies that involved giving massive home loans to people who clearly couldn't afford them. Basically, an entire sector of our economy was as stable as a house of cards built upon the back of a three-wheeled pickup truck. The fact it took so long to collapse is actually pretty amazing in itself.

Now, the housing market implosion is so bad, people are actually forecasting a freakin' Depression, thanks in part to the hundreds of billions of dollars of bad credit the banks are choking on. And now Wall Street wants a federal bail-out? Eff them! We shouldn't hand them a dollar until, they've downsized their workforce, taken massive paycuts, lost health insurance, and made every other effeciency that the average worker has had to eat in recent years. There is no way that the CEO of Countrywide should be allowed to sit on hundreds of millions of dollars in personal wealth that he made destroying the economy.

Rant over. Read this for more.

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