I'm sorry I've been so behind on posts. But the truth is, I've been in a bit of a daze since I found out that Angie Everhart is engaged to Joe Pesci. I mean...come on! I know that famous actors and musicians are capable of pulling incredibly disproportionate tail, but...Joe Pesci and Angie Everhart? There has to be a line somewhere... We're talking about arguably one of the hottest women to ever walk the face of this earth. We're talking about one of the three supermodels responsible for jumpstarting my puberty (Everhart, Kathy Ireland and Elle MacPherson for those scoring at home). Joe Pesci?
Anyway...new posts coming in the New Year.
1 comment:
According to Angie herself, in the Nov./Dec. '07 issue of "Golf for Women" magazine, and I quote: "I've been playing [golf] a lot with Joe [Pesci]. That's how the rumor that we're engaged got started. It is not true."
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