Wednesday, June 6, 2007


A couple cool links today...

First, a table saw that knows when you're about to slice off your finger. Watch the hot dog demonstration! This will be on my wedding registry...

Second, a collection of athletes that resemble sports logos. My favorite is the Demon Deacon and Judge Doom from "Roger Rabbit"

Third, a field guide to identifying d-bags.

Fourth, WARNING: EDUCATION ALERT! A visual explanation of the migration of man. I found it interesting, but then again, I'm a nerd.

And finally, a hysterical video containing the possible words to Pearl Jam's "Yellow Ledbetter."

Factoid of the day: Apparantly Dubya can benchpress more than Kevin Durant. Sounds like he's fit enough to go lead the troops into battle! Go get 'em commander-in-chief!

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